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Training for Better Performance

  • Addressing Employee Absconding and The Top 10 Reasons
    September 15, 2023

    Addressing Employee Absconding and The Top 10 Reasons

    When an employee decides to leave your organization, there is a standard procedure they are expected to follow. Many companies require that workers give two weeks' notice to create a transition plan and find a replacement. Sometimes, though, an employee...

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  • What Is the Platinum Rule and How Can Leaders Apply It? - HRDQ
    April 4, 2022

    What Is the Platinum Rule and How Can Leaders Apply It?

    As a leader in your organization, it falls on you to make decisions, delegate tasks, set and achieve challenging goals, and inspire your team to succeed. One of the most critical aspects of success as a leader is determining your ideal leadership style. However, without...

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Training a New Supervisor - HRDQ
    December 16, 2021

    The Ultimate Guide to Training a New Supervisor

    In the past, you may have encountered a particular quotation about leadership. "True leaders are born, not made."  This quote is repeated so often and in so many venues and forms that the source is long lost to time. It...

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  • 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles in Management - HRDQ
    August 18, 2021

    5 Different Types of Leadership Styles in Management

    Becoming a good leader starts with identifying and refining your leadership style. There are several common types of leadership styles in management, but none are necessarily better than others. The most effective leadership style largely depends on you, your personality,...

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  • 7 Negative Leadership Styles & Traits to Avoid - HRDQ
    July 1, 2021

    7 Negative Leadership Styles & Traits to Avoid

    Poor management tactics can significantly hamper your team’s performance and productivity. It can be difficult to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, but doing so will help you refine your leadership style and improve workplace morale. There are many different...

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  • Benefits of an Open Door Policy in the Workplace - HRDQ
    June 17, 2021

    Benefits of an Open Door Policy in the Workplace

    Employees value managers who are communicative and available to answer their questions and address their concerns as needed. An open door policy facilitates effective workplace communication, boosts office morale, and increases productivity by allowing employees to discuss their concerns with...

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  • 5 High Turnover Rate Causes & Solutions - HRDQ
    May 12, 2021

    5 High Turnover Rate Causes & Solutions

    Are you tired of your business serving as a rotating door for employees? Maybe you’re unsure why this is the case in the first place. In this post, we’ll discuss the most common high turnover rate causes and offer solutions...

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