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What's My Communication Style Online Course for LMS

What's My Communication Style Online Course for LMS


Elevate Personal and Team Performance with Better Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are critical if your organization is going to perform at its best, particularly during challenging times. Employees need to work together and communicate effectively to meet goals and provide value to the organization. Yet, workplace conflict remains a constant obstacle. Often, a clash in personality is to blame, largely caused by how we deliver and interpret messages. Without an awareness of communication style, we become susceptible to constant conflict. Using a communication style course like What's My Communication Style can help you determine your preferred style and overcome conflict.

What's My Communication Style Online Course is based upon the research of Carl Jung, William Moulton Marston, and others, and it can dramatically improve communication skills for yourself and everyone in your organization. Employees at all levels will gain practical and actionable insight into their everyday communications.

If you are familiar with DISC-based personality style assessments, you will find the What's My Communication Style Online Course to be a similar but more practical and easy-to-facilitate alternative.

The What's My Communication Style learning includes a flexible set of tools for online or in-person training. Choose from communication style courses, assessments, and games to build a complete development plan. Starting with the statistically validated What's My Communication Style assessment, your learners will discover their communication style and the behaviors that distinguish them from their colleagues. Follow up with the virtual or in-person workshop to show learners how to "speed-read" the communication styles of others and practice flexing their communication style for optimal results.

The HRDQ Style Model forms the basis of every product in the Style Suite. It provides a simple yet powerful framework that your learners can apply to communication, leadership, teamwork, time management, coaching, learning, and sales. With the HRDQ Style Suite, you’ll have a profound impact on performance skills in your organization.

Focus:   Communication

Type:   HRDQ Online Course

Delivery:   Digital file for LMS installation


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What's My Communication Style Online Course for LMS
Business License0151E4OLC-BL
Business License0151E4OLC-BL
$616.99 $0.00
What's My Communication Style Online Course for LMS
Corporate License0151E4OLC-CL
Corporate License0151E4OLC-CL
$1,337.99 $0.00
What's My Communication Style Online Course for LMS
Enterprise License0151E4OLC-EL
Enterprise License0151E4OLC-EL
$1,999.00 $0.00

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