How to Stay Focused Despite the Changes Around You
Today’s workplace is anything but static and predictable, and it can be hard to stay focused at work with all these changes. Organizations are struggling to do more with less as they try to keep up with rapidly changing technology and increasing global competition. They grow, downsize, acquire, and merge. They develop new products and drop old ones. They seem to be continually reorganizing and restructuring. CEOs, managers, and colleagues come and go. Policies, procedures, and systems are jettisoned in favor of new ones. Employees change jobs, join new teams, and take on new responsibilities. These changes can be challenging, but they are necessary for today’s organizations to succeed.
In fact, it often seems as if the only thing you can count on in today’s work environment is that things will change. Yet, according to noted psychologist Dr. Tamar Chansky, changes at work are among the top life stressors that you can experience. That stress can have negative consequences for your productivity, health, your career, and your relationships.
You can’t avoid change, but you can learn how to stay focused and how to control your response. That response can have a profound effect on your own ability to succeed. In this course, you will learn how to handle change in a positive way so that you can make the most of the opportunities it may offer. You’ll discover how to stay focused at work despite change, how a positive response to change and uncertainty will make you a more valuable employee, and how to increase your skills and self-confidence, reduce your stress level, and advance your career.
Key Topics
The stages of the typical change cycle and the responses to change at each stage.
How a positive attitude, flexibility, and adaptability contribute to successful change.
How to stay focused.
How to evaluate your feelings and learn more about the change so that you can look at it objectively.
How to find the risks and opportunities in change.
Strategies for determining what actions and resources will help you make the most of change.
Participants Will Learn
The typical responses to change and uncertainty.
The importance of a positive attitude and a flexible approach to change.
How to stay focused and maintain composure during periods of change.
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