Taking initiative means identifying a need and taking action without being told to. Taking initiative at work is a valued skill to have. Employees who take initiative act instead of react, and they persist in the face of obstacles.
When employees don’t take initiative, it’s easy to get stuck in old habits and fall behind in today’s dynamic business world – this is why taking initiative at work is such a valued skill in employees. It both creates and reflects a proactive culture. However, it can be hard to know where opportunity lies and where to start.
Taking Initiative guides participants through a four-step model that can be used for any initiative effort. Participants will focus on how to find the right opportunity, how to effectively pursue that opportunity, how to gain buy-in from key stakeholders, and how to successfully take action.
Key Topics
Finding the idea
Developing the idea
Selling the idea
Implementing the idea
Participants Will Learn
How to find an opportunity for taking initiative at work by anticipating a need.
How to gather the necessary information to develop your idea.
How to identify key stakeholders to present your idea with confidence and address concerns.
How to follow through on your initiative and demonstrate accountability with clear action steps.
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