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TeamBuilders - Activity Binder

TeamBuilders - Activity Binder


If you're a trainer, you're probably aware that there are a lot of existing theories on certain topics like decision making, problem solving, teamwork, communication, and leadership – all key skills for teams to possess. However, delivering these theories to a group can be dry and disengaging. It may not spark the participants' enthusiasm or help them see how the theory is relevant to their own work. In such cases, an experiential approach can be highly beneficial, as demonstrated by TeamBuilders: 10 Adventures in Working Together, a new collection of learning events that encourage the exploration of team skills through the use of fantasy scenarios.

How It Works

The TeamBuilders adventures, based on the Experiential Learning Methodology, guide participants through five phases of learning:

  • Experiencing: Formulating ideas and gathering information during the learning experience.
  • Sharing: Articulating the learning experience to other participants.
  • Interpreting: Understanding the skills and behaviors experienced.
  • Generalizing: Developing testable hypotheses from the learning experience.
  • Applying: Bridging the present and future by understanding how generalizations can be used in the workplace.

TeamBuilders enhances the development of five fundamental team skills: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Teamwork, Communication, and Leadership. TeamBuilders also addresses critical secondary skills such as trust, managing diversity, assertiveness, influence, conflict management, negotiating, and more. Activities may be used independently or paired together as part of team training.

Organized in a 3-ring binder, each TeamBuilders simulation contains background information and facilitator instructions, as well as reproducible participant materials including role-specific briefing information, observer instructions, discussion questions, and a team skill handout.

Learning Outcomes

  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Leadership

What to Order

The TeamBuilders Print & Digital Combo

This includes the Facilitator Guide in a convenient 3-ring binder format along with the Digital Version. The digital materials will be delivered upon purchase.

The TeamBuilders Digital Version

This includes the facilitator guide and support materials delivered as a single digital file for a paperless training experience.

Author Info

Michèle Barca and Kate Cobb





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TeamBuilders - Activity Binder - HRDQ
Print Plus Digital Combo0275E2AB
Print Plus Digital Combo0275E2AB
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$89.99 $0.00
TeamBuilders - Activity Binder - HRDQ
Digital Version0275E2AB-D
Digital Version0275E2AB-D
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