The Bottomline on ROI 2nd Ed. Paperback Book
The Bottomline on ROI 2nd Ed. Paperback Book
Prove the Value of Training with the ROI Methodology
Training professionals everywhere are feeling pressure to prove the value and impact that their training initiatives can bring to the organization. Without a proven return on investment, management buy-in and training budgets are in jeopardy.
If you are trying to figure out how to incorporate a measurement process within your organization, The Bottomline on ROI can help. With this book, world-renowned expert Patti Phillips offers insights and tools for making the connection between learning and development and your business' success.
How It Works
How It Works
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the book, readers will
- Make sense of the ROI concept and methodology.
- Illustrate the benefits of developing ROI.
- Dispel the myths that challenge its use.
- Determine if their organization is a candidate for ROI.
- Define the criteria for effective ROI measurement.
- Identify solutions to eliminate barriers to ROI implementation.
- Get started implementing the ROI methodology.
Uses and Applications
Uses and Applications
The Bottomline on ROI teaches training and development leaders how to connect programs, processes, and projects with results and how to demonstrate these results to upper management in a clear, precise, and logical way.