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The Happiness Factory

The Happiness Factory

The Happiness Factory aims to cultivate an enjoyable and dynamic atmosphere by offering a variety of activities that encourage reflection and participation regarding the concept of happiness in the workplace. This workshop will demonstrate methods for establishing a work environment that nurtures engaged employees, leading to increased happiness among staff, which is associated with enhanced productivity and improved retention rates.


A growing body of statistical research shows both the tangible and intangible benefits of a positive work environment, from financial gain to better overall job performance. Though happiness and engagement are often used interchangeably, research tells us there is a clear distinction between the two concepts. In fact, most agree that engagement is a prerequisite to happiness. Without nurturing a greater commitment to the organization, happiness at work cannot be accessible.

The Happiness Factory takes the concept of a manufacturing facility and uses it as an analogy for the production of happiness. Participants move through a series of factory "stations," including a reception area, break room, factory floor, supervisor's office, and executive suite – each metaphorically representing a facet of the workplace where organizations can foster the conditions that lead to increased levels of engagement (and ultimately, happiness at work). Engagement is crucial to cultivating a happy work environment. Through each metaphorical "station" of our manufacturing facility, The Happiness Factory helps organizations create the ideal conditions for employee engagement, resulting in improved job performance and financial gain.

How It Works

The Happiness Factory is designed to create a fun and stimulating environment by providing multiple activities in order to prompt thinking and engagement around the topic of happiness at work. The workshop is completely interactive, offering participants the opportunity to learn independently and in small groups.

Participants will explore the importance of a successful onboarding experience and build a connection to the organizational culture, which includes creating a better alignment with personal values. They will examine how to redesign tasks, responsibilities, and physical working conditions to support greater job fulfillment and discover the behaviors that supervisors and senior leadership can exhibit to build organizational trust.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will discover how to

  • Explore the theory and science of happiness at work.
  • Identify facets of the work environment where employee engagement can be positively affected.
  • Explore strategies for helping employees to feel connected to the organizational culture.
  • Discover techniques for finding fulfillment and enjoyment in responsibilities and working conditions.
  • Recognize the supervisory behaviors that have a direct impact on engagement.
  • Examine key concepts for building employees' trust and confidence in senior leadership.

Uses and Applications

The Happiness Factory is intended to help participants learn how to be happy at work by applying the concepts they learn. The workshop will show how to create a work environment that fosters engaged employees, and, in turn, happy employees who are connected to greater productivity and higher retention rates.

What to Order

Facilitator Guide

Order one guide per trainer. The Facilitator Guide includes a sample watermarked Workbook as well as digital facilitator support materials, including PowerPoint Presentation, Learning Overview, Theory Background, Frequently Asked Questions, and Topic Handouts.

Workbook 5-Pack

Order one pack for up to five participants. The Workbook deepens participants’ understanding of the concepts and ideas in the workshop and allows each participant to practice the skills being learned.

Topic Handouts 5-Pack

Order one pack for up to five participants. These handouts are used to enhance the activity and serve as valuable research and statistical information on happiness at work after the workshop has ended.

QuickStart Train-the-Trainer (QST)

QST is a convenient, one-hour virtual coaching session for first-time facilitators of this product. You'll receive personalized, one-on-one coaching with a subject matter expert who will get you up to speed quickly and accurately so you can step into the onsite with confidence. We'll answer all your questions about the facilitation of the product. And you can add additional coaching hours as needed. Your coaching session can be provided by telephone or video call and at a time of your choosing.

Facilitators will also receive an HRDQ Certificate of Completion for completing the QuickStart session.

Author Info

Kate Ward graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Michigan State University. She has more than 20 years of experience in training development. She worked as manager of curriculum development at CareerTrack, where she authored programs, supervised a team of instructional designers, and facilitated training. She also served as the Senior Instructional Designer at TreeLine Training and was responsible for leading the development of the core skills curriculum library.

Kate is the author of the highly acclaimed Personality Style at Work, as well as the Skills Development for Today's Professionals e-book series. In characteristic Kate Ward style, the series provides no-nonsense, practical information that you can apply in any setting to boost your people skills. Covering key topics, from communication and leadership to problem-solving, decision-making, and negotiating, it gives you the organizational skill sets you need to remain competent, competitive, and confident in the workplace.

Focus:   Employee Engagement

Type:   Workshop

Delivery:   In-Person

LENGTH:   5 hours

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The Happiness Factory - HRDQ
Print Facilitator Guide2803E1FG
Print Facilitator Guide2803E1FG
$205.99 $0.00
The Happiness Factory - HRDQ
Print Workbooks 5-Pack2803E1WB05
Print Workbooks 5-Pack2803E1WB05
$133.99 $0.00
The Happiness Factory - HRDQ
Print Topic Handouts 5-Pack2803E1TH05
Print Topic Handouts 5-Pack2803E1TH05
$43.99 $0.00
The Happiness Factory - HRDQ
QuickStart Train-the-TrainerSVC-QST
QuickStart Train-the-TrainerSVC-QST
$308.99 $0.00

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