What's My Learning Style
What's My Learning Style
What's My Learning Style aids trainers and individuals in optimizing learning outcomes by fostering an understanding of behavioral styles. This tool identifies learning preferences, enabling individuals to leverage this insight to enhance strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and increase adaptability.
Part of HRDQ's best-selling Style Suite, What's My Learning Style empowers both trainers and individuals to discover and harness their unique learning preferences, leading to more effective educational experiences.
Before you roll out your next training initiative, it is important to first consider how the individuals in your audience learn. Every person uses a preferred personal learning style during the learning process, whether or not they are conscious of it. Some people learn best in a group, while others prefer to learn independently. Some approach learning with enthusiasm; some require time for reflection. There isn't one "correct" style, but building awareness of behavioral style for your learners is the key to maximizing results for both your audience and your training efforts.
How It Works
How It Works
What’s My Learning Style helps individuals recognize their preferences for the way they learn best.
In addition to becoming familiar with their preferences, individuals will learn how to maximize the strengths of that style, overcome any potential trouble spots, and develop the ability to function using a variety of different styles.
What's My Learning Style starts with a 20-item self-assessment that takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Individuals rate how characteristic the statements are of their learning preferences. Scoring the assessment reveals a dominant preference for one or more four personal styles:
- Direct
- Spirited
- Considerate
- Systematic
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assessment, participants will:
- Identify their preference for one of four learning styles.
- Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each learning style.
- Discover how to approach all types of learning in a way that is comfortable.
- Create a plan to branch out of their "style comfort zone."
Uses and Applications
Uses and Applications
What's My Learning Style is ideal for training anyone who needs to influence others towards achieving a goal, and it is appropriate for both new and experienced leaders. You can use the learning style assessment as a standalone training instrument, or it can be incorporated into a more comprehensive program. It makes an effective component in training programs for a variety of topics, including:
- Learning style
- Human resources
- Assigning tasks
- Management
- Supervisory skills
What to Order
What to Order
Onsite Print Facilitator Guide
Order one per trainer. The Facilitator Guide includes everything you need to lead a successful training session, from comprehensive background information and activities to detailed instructions for administering the assessment and leading the workshop.
Every Style Suite Onsite Print Facilitator Guide comes with sample Style accessories, including 1 Style Model Wall Poster and 1 Sheet of Style Stickers. Additional digital Facilitator Support Materials are delivered via email upon order completion. This includes a PowerPoint Presentation, Learning Overview, Theory Background, FAQ, Certificate of Achievement, Program Evaluation, and a sample copy of the Online Assessment Report.
Onsite Print Assessment 5-Pack
Order one pack for up to five participants. The print assessment is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee the scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation.
Online Assessment Credit for Administrators
Order one per participant. You can purchase credits here for the online version of this assessment, which is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center and includes personalized reporting, full-color charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.
Is this your first time purchasing HRDQ online assessments?
Administrators with an HRDQ Assessment Center (HAC) account may purchase Online Assessment Credits above. After checkout, login to your HAC admin account to confirm receipt of your credits. If you have any issues, please contact us.
Don't have a HAC admin account yet? Start by purchasing administrator access. After you check out, we'll add your account to the HAC portal. Note that account setup is not automated and takes up to one business day.
Self-Enrollment Online Learning or Product Evaluation
Order one per participant. Students and individual learners may take a self-guided online version of this assessment without a facilitator, and without the requirement to setup a HRDQ Assessment Center administrator account.
This option is also excellent for organizational trainers and consultants who want to evaluate the online assessment before inclusion in a curriculum or delivery to a larger group.
To purchase and complete a self-guided online experience, you must order your assessments from our Online Learning Self-Enrollment page.
Personality Style at Work – Companion Book
Gain a better understanding of how your behaviors affect your performance and interactions with others with Personality Style at Work. Written by Kate Ward in collaboration with HRDQ, this book offers an in-depth look at how to communicate in the workplace, across all personality styles. You'll learn how your personality style influences how others see us, governs the kinds of career choices we make, affects the way we make decisions, determines how we lead others, and plays a significant role in the way we communicate. Personality Style at Work is an excellent read, and the perfect companion for any HRDQ Style Series title.
Style Suite Stickers
Style Suite Stickers are a perfect way to liven up your next session! Participants have fun and engage more when their own personality is on display. They also serve as a friendly reminder that flexing one's style is the key to effectively working with other employees. One 5-pack of Style Suite Sticker Sheets provides 100 stickers total (25 of each Style).
Style Model Wall Poster
The 17" x 22" poster can be used as a quick reference and visual aid during the workshop. The reverse side features the HRDQ Experiential Learning Model. Additional copies of the poster are available for purchase, as many facilitators tell us they like to display training posters at various locations in the workplace.
QuickStart Train-the-Trainer (QST)
QST is a convenient, one-hour virtual coaching session for first-time facilitators of this product. You'll receive personalized, one-on-one coaching with a subject matter expert who will get you up to speed quickly and accurately so you can step into the onsite with confidence. We'll answer all your questions about the facilitation of the product. And you can add additional coaching hours as needed. Your coaching session can be provided by telephone or video call and at a time of your choosing.
* Facilitators will also receive an HRDQ Certificate of Completion for completing the QuickStart session.
Author Info
Author Info
The HRDQ Development Team creates soft-skills learning solutions that help to improve the performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. At HRDQ, we believe an experiential approach is the best catalyst for adult learning. Our unique Experiential Learning Model has been the core of what we do for more than 40 years. We combine the best of organizational learning theory and proven facilitation methods with an appreciation for adult learning styles. Our philosophy initiates and inspires lasting change.
Focus: Learning, Personality Styles
Type: Assessment or Workshop
Delivery: Classroom or Online Training
Length: Assessment: 1 hour | Workshop: 2-4 hours