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Career Roadblocks Finder - Online Assessment

Career Roadblocks Finder - Online Assessment

The Career Roadblocks Finder is an eye-opening assessment that helps managers and executives spot the barriers to career success. With this tool, you can see how to limit those behaviors and learn how to take control of their development before it's too late.

How It Works

The Career Roadblocks Finder contains a 55-item self-assessment profile, 2 domains, and 11 scales with behavioral implications. Participants will have 20 to 30 minutes for completion, and report results are generated by comparing the respondent’s answers to responses of managers and leaders at various levels and types of organizations. Participants will then compare their results against a national sample.

Learning Outcomes

This assessment helps participants better identify career accelerators and blockers, learn how to develop and align critical competencies, and create an individual personal development plan. Participants will also

  • Measure two key career behaviors and 11 scales of behaviors.
  • Understand the management skills needed to maintain and ensure success.
  • Learn how to predict problems that can cause career derailment.
  • Pinpoint development needs to avoid derailment.

Uses and Applications

The Career Roadblocks Finder provides specific feedback on behaviors severely limiting leader and manager effectiveness. By identifying and removing these limiting behaviors, or "derailers," leaders can excel at using their talents and skills.

Based on 40 years of research, this assessment provides specific feedback on the behaviors potentially limiting effectiveness. This includes work-related and self-management behaviors.

What to Order

Online Assessment: Order One Per Participant.

The online assessment is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center and includes personalized reporting, full-color charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.

Focus:   Performance Skills

Type:   Assessment

Delivery:   HRDQ Online Assessment Center

LENGTH:   15-30 minutes to complete

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