Presentation Skills Profile
Presentation Skills Profile
Presenting in front of others, whether in small groups or large conferences, can be intimidating. Many people fear technology failures, tough audience questions, and the pressure to perform. How can you train participants—especially those with no experience—to overcome their fear and deliver effective presentations? The Presentation Skills Profile (PSP) self-assessment simplifies this process. It analyzes preparation and delivery styles, provides peer feedback, and offers a step-by-step guide to successful presentations. Empower your team to present with confidence!
Whether it's in a small group or a large conference, almost everyone needs to present in front of others. However, speaking in front of others can be an intimidating or scary experience for many people. They have a lot riding on this presentation and worry about everything that could go wrong, what kind of questions or audience participation they will receive, if the technology will cooperate, and everything in between. So, how can you successfully train your participants – even those with no prior experience – to get over their fear of presenting and prepare and deliver presentations effectively?
The Presentation Skills Profile (PSP) self-assessment takes the mystery out of designing and delivering high-impact presentations and helps participants get over the fear of presenting.
Designed to ease the stress associated with public presentations, PSP analyzes how the respondent prepares and delivers presentations, provides peer feedback on a specific presentation, and then offers a walk-through of preparation and delivery for future presentations.
How It Works
How It Works
The Presentation Skills Model at the center of the Presentation Skills Profile shows the influences of the relevant literature on presentation skills, including the work of Holcombe, Stein, and others. The model contains the six presentation questions that help individuals turn lackluster presentations into engaging dialogues with their audiences.
The assessment presents 48 statements regarding the preparation and delivery of presentations. In scoring the assessment, participants determine their overall presentation effectiveness score.
In addition, participants create a self-profile that shows strengths and areas of improvement (relating to the six questions of the Presentation Skills Model).
Feedback forms submitted by peers provide data to create a second – or "feedback" – profile. Finally, participants complete assessments for preparing and delivering a future presentation.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assessment, participants will be able to:
- Identify and set presentation objectives.
- Discover how to analyze and involve the audience.
- Learn how to design and display effective visual aids.
- Practice staging presentations.
Uses and Applications
Uses and Applications
Presentation Skills Profile was designed for anyone who is called upon to prepare and deliver presentations get over their fear of presenting. Those who require their audience to agree with a conclusion and/or course of action will particularly benefit from using the profile. Its self-assessment can be used to evaluate a specific presentation, measuring progress in preparing and delivering presentations.
As with most HRDQ tools, the Presentation Skills Profile is effective when used alone or as the centerpiece of a workshop or longer program on presentation skills. The model upon which the assessment is based may be applied in the following types of presentations:
- Sales presentations (including presentations that require audiences to make a decision)
- Motivational speeches
- Coaching and training sessions
- Information briefings
- Entertainment
What to Order
What to Order
Facilitator Guide: Order One Guide per Trainer
This detailed, step-by-step guide for planning and delivering a powerful learning experience gives you everything you need to facilitate a full-day workshop, including background information, assessment instructions, scripts, discussion questions, activities, a USB drive containing a PowerPoint presentation, poster, samples of the assessment, and an Observer Form. Facilitator support materials will be available to you as a digital download link in your order confirmation.
Paper Assessment 5-Pack: Order One Pack for up to Five Participants
The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee the scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation.
Observer Form 5-Pack: Provide at Least Three Forms per Individual (Recommended)
The Observer Form is designed to check the accuracy of a coach’s perception by allowing the coach to see how their peers perceive their style.
Online Assessment Credit for Administrators: Order One per Participant
You can purchase credits here for the online version of this assessment, which is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center and includes personalized reporting, full-color charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.
QuickStart Train-the-Trainer: 1-Hour Virtual Coaching Session for This Product
QST is a convenient, one-hour virtual coaching session for first-time facilitators of this product. You'll receive personalized, one-on-one coaching with a subject matter expert who will get you up to speed quickly and accurately so you can step into the onsite with confidence. We'll answer all your questions about the facilitation of the product. And you can add additional coaching hours as needed. Your coaching session can be provided by telephone or video call and at a time of your choosing.
* Facilitators will also receive an HRDQ Certificate of Completion for completing the QuickStart session.
Author Info
Author Info
Ian MacDonald leads various management education programs at the International Business School and ESSCA School of Management in Budapest, Hungary. He is also a senior consultant with Human Telex Consulting, the Budapest-based distributor of HRDQ learning materials. Ian has previously held positions with Alexander Proudfoot International, an international management consulting firm, and with Shin-Etsu Handotai, the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductor materials. He is currently completing a Ph.D. in communication at Eötvös Loránd University.
Focus: Communication and Selling Skills
Type: Self-assessment
Delivery: Facilitator Guide (Print) Observer (Print) Assessment (Print or Digital)
LENGTH: 1 to 1.5 hours